Using NEXRAD Level 3 Information you can estimate the amount of precipitation that has fallen for a given area. Using exact latitude and longitude pairs NEXRAD Precipitation Gauge calculates the amount of precipitation detected for both Digital Storm Total Accumulations and Analog (16-Data Level) Storm Totals.This application was built with love by somebody who is dealing with Autism.
Features include:
* The ability to view Digital Storm Total Accumulation Data at a Latitude and Longitude Level* The ability to view Analog Storm Total Accumulation Data at a Latitude and Longitude Level* Viewing of NEXRAD Reflectivity Data of Current Storm or Precipitation Activity* High Resolution Static Map and Radar Data Generation* Data downloads directly from the National Weather Service* Custom Parsing and Processing of NEXRAD Information* Introduction of Digital Precipitation Scaling to closely match normal Personal Weather Station Rain Gauge Reports for all NEXRAD sites in the United States
By purchasing this application you are helping its development and the programmer with his Autism.
Due to the high amount of data processed inside the application maps and radar data can take a few seconds, depending on device performance, to display data with the highest accuracy.